Monday, February 2, 2015

New Belgium Tour

New Belgium Tour is a great experience. Belgium is one of the most fascinating countries in the world, especially in Europe. Its astonishing famous cities like Brussels, Ghent etc. are even more beautiful than most cities in Europe. There are lots of lovely places in this country that you must visit, because New Belgium Tour will make you lose your mind.

Brussels the life changing city
Small town but full of surprises, Brussels can be easily compared with the best cities in the world, like Paris, Venezia, Rome and etc. This town also has a beautiful nightlife, great but expensive shopping and countless museums. In addition Brussels is called the Chocolate town or world capital of Chocolate. The city has small amount of citizens, but has an enormous number of chocolatiers, about one chocolatier for every two thousand people. Therefore the Belgians are known by the chocolate they eat. Every average Belgian eats between ten and fifteen pounds of chocolate every twelve months. New Belgium Tour is totally incomplete if you don’t visit this city.

Musical Instrument Museum

The Musical Instrument Museum (MIM)
This museum is located in the center of Brussels and known for his assemblage of more than 8,000 instruments. This collection was started in the early 1877 and it had only a hundred musical Indian instruments which were given by Rajah Sourindro. This collection of instruments acts for all the Belgium musical history and also it represents European musical traditions.

Style, art and design
Regardless its smallness Belgium represents an attraction for more and more big names. The streets in Belgium are full of designers, art and style created from a Belgian point of view, which make the country a big attraction for travelers and art lovers. Every day thousands and thousands of people go for New Belgium Tour and in my opinion they will never regret it.

Belgium is a country with a million surprises and the people that go there just can’t get enough of them. So don’t wait, pack up your things and get ready to be amazed New Belgium Tour.

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